Josh well renowned as the epic gallivantier and sneaky spy had been
off in distant Greechen Land consulting with oracle Belle Von Delphi
and partaking of pungent mozzarella flavoured gases emanating her
chamber. They had been soberly in discussion on philosophical
theories as those proposed by Martin the Buber (not to be confused
with Justin the Bieber) and whether the toucans, who believed they
were gods, could theoretically be part of a binational solution to
the strawberry wine sacrifices Gilgimarsh was forced to make. They
had reached a conclusion that gods could be given a vote but
only if they were sober, and this may be the biggest challenge;
however it would be easier than the present form of apartheid, and
if the gods had to buy their wine it could be taxed too.
returning home Saint Josh encountered a problem and it wasn't from
Von Delphi's gases either. Gilgimarsh had become mired in toucan
regurgitation almost reaching his arm pits. Now cows loved this
stuff, they thrived on it. But people, you needed a boat. Saint
Josh waded for days to reach the village, and had to resort to a
tinfoil hat because the gods seemed to have it out especially out for
him with their keen olfactory abilities droning about for bombardment
victims. When he finally reached the village he found his epic tribe
turned dairy maids and durum hewers gallivanting on the roof tops
totally soused on sweet strawberry wine. Now Saint Josh loved his
lasagna more than life itself, however his pessimism on the
convictions of his cohorts to remain faithful to this passion allowed
him to take in the scene with a grain of compassion. The wine skins
were almost empty so he joined right in with the frolicking becoming
the life of the party with his bright eyes and tinfoil hat, and when
the wine was gone that was that.
everyone had added their own mix to the god's regurgitation they all
settled down and had a ceremonial feast of scavenged charbroiled
lasagna after which a discussion was held on how to appease the gods
in a manner less prone to human vulnerabilities. It was concluded
that a binational approach heralded by Saint Josh would be best
suited to the problem at hand, but only if the gods were convinced
that they would have a majority in the new democratic state. Much
brainstorming hatched a plan to deceive the gods into believing they
had a majority by creating thousands of false gods on long poles and
planting them all over Gilgimarsh. It took several months but
eventually the whole land was covered with colourful large beaks
which the residing overlords took as their own. Saint Josh then led
a delegation into the forests to offer appeasement to the gods in the
form of a democracy in which the majority would rule a country which
constitutionally embedded the right for regurgitation, but only
within forested areas.
the next episode of “The saga of Gilgimarsh” the toucan gods
forfeit polytheism in an attempt at democracy and elect one of their
own to be god of gods and king of kings.