winter solstice is upon us, and we will celebrate the renewed vigour
of the suns majestic beams of warmth with a freaking hullabaloo by
which the opposing solstice humbles itself in the worship of zealotry
as the gods of rebirth are forgotten in the summer warmth. Yes, that
freaking hullabaloo in which the gods are slighted by post agrarian
consumerism, but do not fear, the makers of the heavens and the
earths are kindling a fire in their azure, a roast robust enough to
melt the orbs off all self righteous scoffers who deny the workings
of providence. Hark all ye naysayers, the second great flood is
imminent, caused neither by man nor nature, but by the gods of
rebirth sadly neglected by our pragmatism. Their vengeance is gaining
it's momentum as the oceans rise and storm clouds burst upon us
heathen transgressors, as we delight in materialistic denial.
being said, my Christmas list has been mailed to H0H 0H0 and my
chimney has been cleaned for delivery and the side table is set with
milk and cookies for Santa, and I've deleted all the ignorant stuff I
said during the year about our delightful Prime Minister, so I'm
waiting for Christmas Eve for my brand new drone with the fancy dancy
camera to forthwith document for future generations the rise of the
mighty River Red into a rejuvenated Lake Agassiz arising from the
storms of snow and sleet and rain of forty winters and forty summers
of flooding tempests as the makers castigate our earthly adventures
into consumerism. That mighty River Red which will once more flow
south to leisurely impale those neighbourly zealots south of our
doughty 49th lateral which divides those who know
everything from those who wish to know everything but are be too
cynical to laud the vagaries of imperialism and must enjoy
consumerism piggy back style.
being gods, however, will snicker beguilingly as men build arks from
every available buoyant nomenclature to float down along the might
River Red, loaded with a pair of every living species of vegetable
and beasty and hoards of plastic Chinese artifacts now redundant
through lack of provocation by flooded towers and submerged turbines
of the chop-chop age. And in ten thousand years when humankind is
weaned from his materialistic bent and again worships the true and
tried gods of presentiment with luptuous burnt offerings to appease
it's makers, honour will be restored and men and gods will join in a
freaking hullabaloo to veraciously celebrate the renewed vigour of
the suns majestic beams of warmth.
a happy hullabaloo!
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