the present age of bullshit which follows the information age, which
follows the sixties, which follows the age of reason, it is not the
end of the world if few read your blog. There are just too few folk
cultured and honourable enough to savvy the vastness of your wisdom
and audacity. They like bullshit of their own brainless variety,
not yours. Whats more, few who have any kind of life have the time
to ingest more than a handful of really cultured blogs every day or
two anyhow, and the rest, well, do we really care?
age of bullshit is revered by statesmen and ideologists alike. In
the age of reason they actually had to make sense, although they
often got carried away in their enthusiasm. In the sixties, enough
said. Then with the information age they all got overwhelmed, and
ended up picking and choosing what might tolerably justify their
ends. Now in the age of bullshit, it's just give it feculence full
steam ahead, the more absurd the more devoured.
and integrity have lost their meaning in legal mumble jumble. And if
rectitude can't be confused by legalities, then just lie like crazy
and stick your ground, the majority will probably believe it since
the human condition has several million years of experience in
believing vagaries. Most myths where created out of someone's sense
of humour but where gobbled up as postulates by the genteel masses.
should not get overly depressed over all the bullshit flying around
today though. It makes excellent fertilizer for the coming age of
weed when the overgrowth of bemusement will render any of the past
ages palatable.
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