is an answer to the question of what makes humans tick. It is the
same answer as to whether there is a philosophy which encompasses
everything. Human motivation 101 or, you know, the philosophical
question of the cognitive attitude of human consciousness toward the
world... it's beer.
beer's part of it anyway. Addictions actually. It gives us the
incentive to make it through till Friday. It juices our noggin so we
can envision the question of the objectively existing relationship
between the mental and the physical. This relationship can only be
consummated through an addiction, that human phenomenon somewhat
shared by some higher life forms. Without an addiction we are
naught, life has no meaning, we have no goal, we have no attitude
toward the world.
comes in many forms. Some may not consider them all as addictions,
but more like indoctrinations. But why pussy foot around it. An
addiction is something which leaves us distraught if we're caught
without it, be it beer, money, companionship, pants, ideology, man
you name it, your social connectivity apparatus. Don't try and say
these may be necessities, a nudist hermit can live without these,
he's just addicted to his solitude, his ideology. Humans need this
addictive ideological solace to grease their path through life. It
takes much effort to rid ourselves of all conscious beliefs, yogis
can do it, that's their addiction.
have a friend, actually my wife's friend since she was thirteen, but
with my wife's dementia which can't always remember to be nice to
people or they may disparage of your wisdom, I've become the
translator of good will in both directions. Anyhow, this friend she
has this enormous problem with leaving her loft. Some anxiety
complex. Pills don't really help her much. But... beer. I tease
her lots. Beer is magic. Beer creates that magical faerieland where
one can flitter flutter from out of the shutters and, yes, bring her
a beer and she's good to go. Shucks, she's got less ideological
hangups than a yogi, give her some beer. Often wish she kept a few,
one crazy woman is enough in my life.
where were we. Oh yes, the anatomy of human consciousness. And
beer. The consummation of the human phenomenon. Given our trite
interest in the sojourns of ISIS and their ideological complexity
which involves the raping of women, we can view their addictions from
the outside. Power, lust, antagonism, Mohamed seems to have little
to do with it. Personally, I'd rather just have a small plot of land
with a chicken coop and a garden of veggies and a cold beer for
supper, but then that's just my ideology, my addiction. Human
motivation works in mysterious ways.
ideology is not too different. Power, those corporations. Lust,
ever google nude babes? Antagonism, yes we're angels. Jesus has
little to do with it other than a cheering section. Personally, I'd
rather just have a small plot of land with a chicken coop and a
garden of veggies and a cold beer for supper, but then that's just my
ideology, my addiction. Human motivation works in mysterious ways.
evolved this need for an addiction. With a brain having enough cells
to survive the world in a romantically inclined body, we also needed
a way to to keep our sanity in a world beyond our understanding. So
we ate the fermented fruit from the tree of life, and lo and behold
we developed more brain cells and a more romantically inclined body.
We got even smarter and brewed beer so we could flitter flutter in a
magical faerieland from out of the shutters of a world beyond our
comprehension. We could question the objectively existing
relationship between the mental and the physical. The answer was of
course more beer. The human phenomenon had no consummation of this
vagary. It was simply part of the flitter flutter which makes us
tick. Just bogus cells in an incomprehensible world.
addictions. The philosophy which encompasses everything. Must need
a beer, haven't had one for some thirty odd years. I will though,
out on the levy, the day I die.