Wednesday, April 8, 2015


When I was a little toddler, I was out in the garden and I found this long earthworm. Full of pride and joy I brought it in the house to show my mommy, so I've been told. This didn't go over all that well. Apparently, this is not something we do in the civilized world.

Tis mischief which beguiles us
It pines for release
Oh but to be a fine upstanding prig

When I was a middle age joker, I was out in the garden and I found this long earthworm. Full of pride and joy I brought it in the house to show my wife, so I'm reminded. This didn't go over all that well either. Apparently, the civilized world is not ready for middle age jokers.

I have a cat, his name is Olly
With never a hint of mischievous guile
Crawls under the blanket and tickles my toes

When I'm 95 and in a nursing home I'm going to go out in the front lawn and find a nice long earthworm. Full of pride and joy I'm going to bring it in and show the nurses. I hope this goes over real swell, otherwise I may yet have to scorn civilization.

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