Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cherry blossom

Cherry blossom on the vine
Sweet as satin so sublime
Flower child of the mind
Inspiring love and all things kind

Vengeance heathens anarchists all
Your war of lust hath has lost it's brawl
Anger and spite can ne'er compete
Enchanting petals on your feet

Cherry pie is on it's way
Patience thugs it's only May
Beat your swordies into ploughshares
Seed the grains for dainty fares

Bow your heads and thank the makers
Good riddance knavish proselyte takers
Imbibe the fragrance brutes you'll thrive
Sweet flower children you'll survive

Cherry blossom on the vine
Sweet as satin so sublime
Fill the earth with your sweet smell
Make life good for all who dwell

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