Sunday, August 10, 2014

good times, bad rhymes

there was this gal in the neighbourhood
who liked to take her vitamins
her hubby lived on real food
and did not cater to her whims

they kept a chevy in the garage
the window cranked to open wide
so the cat could climb into the fuselage
and nab those mice with feline pride

they'd drive that chevy to the ice cream shack
on saturday nights with smoke white black
that straight old six would sputter them back
from a schmooze in the park enjoying their snack

that wonder bar radio would squawk like a finch
to drown out the clinking from all those plugged lifters
cause this old car was unmarred by a wrench
though the ashtray was emptied to discourage the sifters

the three on the column would often get stuck
so under the hood they would quickly take cover
to wiggle the linkage with a few words like 'uck'
with the irate line up just wanting to shove'er

the rest of the week they both acted all normal
chevy hid from view in the garage with the cat
to work they would go dressing really so formal
this gal and her hubby they knew where it was at

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