Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kleptocratic democracy

Kleptocratic democracy (a dispassionate journey which insinuates next to nothing)

Government of the corporate masters, by the corporate masters, for the corporate masters, in control of a pseudo democratically elected knavish ideological great leader, via a divide and conquer modus operandi, who disdains the views and needs of the majority of his demography.

From Wikipedia: banana republic, kleptocracy:

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, from Greek: κλέπτης (thief) and κράτος (rule), is a term applied to a government subject to control fraud that takes advantage of governmental corruption to extend the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats), via the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service. The term means "rule by thieves". Not an "official" form of government (such as democracy, republic, monarchy, theocracy), the term is a pejorative for governments perceived to have a particularly severe and systemic problem with the selfish misappropriation of public funds by those in power.”

“In economics, a banana republic is a country operated as a commercial enterprise for private profit, effected by a collusion between the State and favoured monopolies, in which the profit derived from the private exploitation of public lands is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are a public responsibility. Such an imbalanced economy remains limited by the uneven economic development of town and country, and tends to cause the national currency to become devalued paper-money, rendering the country ineligible for international development-credit. Such government by thieves is a kleptocracy; such a kleptocratic government is manipulated by foreign (corporate) interests, and functions mostly as ceremonial government that is unaccountable to its nation. The national legislature is, in effect, for sale, influential government employees illegitimately exploit their posts for personal gain (by embezzlement, fraud, bribery, etc.), and the resulting government budget deficit is repaid by the country's working people who earn wages rather than making profits.”

Kleptocracies are generally associated with corrupt forms of authoritarian governments, particularly dictatorships, oligarchies, military juntas, or some other forms of autocratic and nepotist government in which no outside oversight is possible, due to the ability of the kleptocrat(s) to personally control both the supply of public funds and the means of determining their disbursal. Kleptocratic rulers typically treat their country's treasury as though it were their own personal bank account, spending the funds on luxury goods as they see fit. Many kleptocratic rulers also secretly transfer public funds into secret personal numbered bank accounts in foreign countries in order to provide them with continued luxury if/when they are eventually removed from power and forced to leave the country.”
Kleptocracy is most common in developing countries whose economies are based on the export of natural resources. Such export incomes constitute a form of economic rent and are therefore easier to siphon off without causing the income itself to decrease (for example, due to capital flight as investors pull out to escape the high taxes levied by the kleptocrats).

The effects of a kleptocratic regime or government on a nation are typically adverse in regards to the faring of the state's economy, political affairs and civil rights. Kleptocracy in government often vitiates prospects of foreign investment and drastically weakens the domestic market and cross-border trade. As the kleptocracy normally embezzles money from its citizens by misusing funds derived from tax payments, or money laundering schemes, a kleptocratically structured political system tends to degrade nearly everyone's quality of life.

In addition, the money that kleptocrats steal is often taken from funds that were earmarked for public amenities, such as the building of hospitals, schools, roads, parks and the like – which has further adverse effects on the quality of life of the citizens living under a kleptocracy. The quasi-oligarchy that results from a kleptocratic elite also subverts democracy (or any other political format the state is ostensibly under).”

From wiseGEEK:

“Conditions ideal for exploiting workers are propagated by sham democracies in banana republics. A pseudo-democracy means that elections are rigged, so that a pre-selected candidate is guaranteed victory. This puppet leader has ensured the colonial or corporate power that he will follow their directives to make the most profit. Other methods of instituting a compliant government include the staging of political coups, where the foreign power backs an insurrection, often resulting in assassination of the current leader. The military coup only succeeds with weapons and resources secured by a foreign power. Once in control, the new government might be further supported with foreign subsidies to their agricultural crops.

The concept of banana republics has evolved with the changing political climate. For instance, more than fruit, resources such as oil and coffee spurred banana republics in the 20th century. Corruption at all levels usually arises in these unstable governments, breeding a system rife with bribes and black markets. Increasing privatization of basic social services leaves the population with reduced wages and worsening living conditions. Critics of the United States frequently relate its policies to the phenomenon of banana republics both in South America and the Middle East.”

Les remords de la patrie
Demographic splits:

The application of the principle of democracy has a great obstacle. The general population of every country is divided on how they view life and on how they should be governed. The best we as humanity have developed so far is the election of representatives who usually belong to a party, and the party with most representatives elected forms a government, or a coalition of these parties will form a government. This leaves a large portion of the population, often a majority, with no real say in the decisions made. Advertising has swayed voters into the hands of those with the largest purse strings – it is an accepted fact that advertising buys votes.

Advertising buys votes, it also buys our soles. Viewed as an addiction or as a freely chosen life style, consumerism and the economics which thrives on it, has become the driving force behind the thoughts and tribulations of our great leaders. These leaders get most of their political advertising money from large corporations who also endow the general population with a host of essential products and a glorious lifestyle. It is more these corporations than politicians who must draw a fine line between filling their pockets and keeping us addicts content. But corporations are greedy and the pacifying of the electorate is not native to their id. So they pay off politicians to do the dirty work for them.

Thus we have: pick a sucker who has your views, school him, enrich his ego, place him in prominent positions, and finally back him financially into the backdoor world of politics. If he's not a total dunce he'll go places the rest of the world wouldn't want to dream of going. “And let me make myself perfectly clear.” (about the facts of life perhaps?)

Problem is, there are many of us who are content with home made soup and a good book and a walk in the park. Have a fun job and not to worry about the future. And don't vote, just attend every anarchist rally you can find. Not me of course, just saying. This is what you call a demographic split, and it's what our sucker politician is yearning to utilize. Anyone who doesn't buy the glorious life style becomes an anarchist, or communist, or ant-Semitic, or terrorist. Divide the good law abiding, tax paying citizens from the wicked – divide and conquer. How could you not vote for this hero?

As the title says, just a dispassionate journey, insinuating next to nothing.


‎ A Theory of Divide-and-Rule: Kleptocracy and Its Breakdown Xuezheng CHEN

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