Sunday, February 9, 2014

Waiting for the bus?

I'm waiting and waiting and waiting some more
I'm committed to waiting, but my bums getting sore
Been waiting all morning since the sun came up
And I'll wait here till midnight before I give up

Once I was thumbing when my years were still light
Walked mile after mile with no car in sight
On the back of a sign post still partly showing
Words which still haunt me, “Where are you going?”

This bus shack's for real, my minds pretty sane
But this trail disturbs me, am I waiting in vain?
And now in the tree top a sign not encouraging
A vulture sits croaking, oh how disparaging

This must be a lesson taught by a yogi who's feet
Take his soul down this path to a drum of different beat
He's teaching me patience and humility with spite
So I'll just sit here, hope's not out of sight

Where am I going? I have no great plan
My days are enlightening, I take what I can
My years have imparted me with wisdom and trust
So I'll just keep waiting, laugh if you must

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