Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Global warming?

Glaciers to cover much of North American Great Plains in ten years

New research by The Bunkington Institute for Climate Change Studies, a conservative funded think tank and research group, has models showing an area from the southern Canadian prairies down to Texas covered with year round snow and ice in about a decade. The study group based it's projections on the continuing breakdown of the polar vortex due to global warming and the resultant amounts of snow and cooler temperatures which will be forced southwards as the trend increases.

Due to the amount of sunlight reflected by the snow, the daytime temperatures will drop significantly over the Great Plains with melting occurring later and later each spring till it reaches the threshold of not melting throughout the entire summer. This cold land mass will precipitate even more moisture falling on the plains causing accumulations of up to twenty feet of snow per year. The weight from this accretion will quickly transform this moisture into a massive field of ice.

The study focused on the effect this ice cover would have on food production as this huge area is considered one of the major food basket regions of the world. The consensus was that civilization would not be adversely impacted because any food shortage would augment the distinction between rich and poor, one of the leading indicators of social well being. Of much greater concern was the consequence the ice cover would have on oil fracking and it's transportation, and the devastating repercussions for North America's tax base.

The study is currently being reviewed by leading scientists at Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum. If the findings are validated the oil industry is expected to begin lobbying for pipeline routes around this vast area.

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