Award? Thank you Tim
Clark. Since I have never in my life been nominated for much less
won anything I am deeply honoured. This blogging thing must have
some sublimity to it's quintessence after all. The gratification
felt by ten out of my eleven personalities is enormous. We may
encounter difficulties in fulfilling all our nomination requirements
because the personality who actually reads blogs is rather furtive
and does not readily share all his or her erudition with the rest of
writer in us though would be thrilled to be part of this fun and
would love to answer your questions.
What was your main impetus to begin blogging? We got tired of
having stacks of scrap paper with letters and poems strewn all over
the house so we figured hey, why not store it for infinity in the
realms of cyberspace and the cheapest way was a blog.
What was your favorite book? Anything by Friedrich
If you had a time machine where would you go first? You mean we
have to come back? Actually the future scares us, we're really
scared for humanity. Our encounters with life more intelligent than
ourselves would be awesome.
When you look at life what thing puzzles you most? Why?
Have you ever posted a Facebook update just to make someone jealous,
or angry? No.
Would you explain? Although we did open a Facebook account
temporarily once out of curiosity, we could not figure out it's
relevance to our ascetic life style.
What is your favorite vacation spot, someplace you have been and
intend to return? In our post indoctrination years we toured North
American from Alaska to Panama. We slept in snow huts and in
thatched huts and in railway cars and in abandoned cars. This
journey was our favourite although we have spent several summers in a
canoe on various adventures. If we no longer had to care for our
beautiful wife, and our health was capable, we would tour North
America again, but this time on a bicycle with a little trailer.
How many play lists are on your mp3 player? What's an mp3 player?
Is that like our radio?
Looking at your life now, and thinking about your school years, in
what subject do you wish you would have payed more attention?
Why? Peoples views and perceptions are the greatest gift they can
give us be it literary or other forms of art. Life is the soul of
the universe and art is sometimes capable of comprehending a small
part of it.
Do you believe there is life on other planets? The earth is flat
for goodness sakes!
you once again Mr. Clark and we'll get that Russian vodka in those
milk bottles to you down that Mississippi just as soon as the drones
hit bad weather. Just watch for them smoke signals.
I have my eyes glued to the horizon. Since I am never sure which way is North I just keep going around in circles, which is kind of a nuisance. I hope there is a lot of vodka, and you only send a few personalities as porters.
That new follow button
works great! I haven't had
to to discourage any new
followers since it's
installment. Miracles
never cease.
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