Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Legal eagles

This enterprise of having eleven personalities inhabiting one body must be run as a democracy if we are to function with any coherency. Therefore and without further ado we give this blog post over to our politician and occasional anarchist.

Hi folks. We have in the last week had Canadian politics degraded to the lowest level we have ever seen. The planning and cunning of our great leader and his legal eagles is astounding to behold. For our friends in different countries who have the privilege of being unaware of our political intrigues, a little background.

We have three major political parties. The present power in force are the conservatives, headed by Steven the Harper. The official opposition are the new democrats, led by Thomas the Mulcair. And fast rising after a short vacation are the liberals, heralded forth by Justin the Trudeau. Our Canadian taxes fund many things these political parties do such as running offices to serve the needs of us Canadians or mailing us information on what our government is in it's wisdom is doing for us.

These tax funded outreach programs are not supposed to benefit these parties own aspirations whether for financial gains or propaganda, and they have vague rules which by they sort of all abide by but push to the limits. Now it seems that in much the same way as petroleum companies can simultaneously raise the price of gas across the country without any communication, the liberals and conservatives simultaneously found error in the way the new democrats were doing business, never mind that they have a plank in their own eyes.

The committee which is responsible for overseeing these shenanigans is of course totally democratic and thus any objections the new democrats my have to these charges are forthwith overruled by the majority. The kicker is that this is going to cost the new democrats millions of dollars to repay their short sighted mailings et alii, and in Canada a million bucks is still a substantial amount if it's not tax payers money. Those legal eagles who divined this scheme are going home with brown paper bags stuffed with polymer (that's our new Canadian plastic money but don't fret, it still looks like monopoly bills).

The outcome of all this may well be that everyone in Canada becomes so disheartened with our three main parties that we vote for Elizabeth the May, our girl next door and green party harbinger in the next election. At least she has a sense of humour and would do much for our withering national pride.

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