Friday, June 27, 2014

Persona 11) The manic charmer

Today we hear from our dewy-eyed keeper of his little stone in the discombobulated reality we regard as our nogginal ambiances. He really believes it has kept us safe through many perils. Who knows?

When we were a little boy just starting school, we found a nifty little stone by the railway track. It had a hole almost through it so we took it home and gently chipped and scraped till we got that hole big enough to put a cord through. Of course it had to be a red cord. It took a while to find out, but when we had that stone in our pocket nothing went badly. We could go to school with no homework done and the teacher with the eyes in the back of her head wouldn't mind. We could get the kitchen floor muddy and mom would just laugh and say “Oh my deary, I'll clean that up”. That stone was amazing.

Of course we had to brag about it to our two best friends and they had to try it out too. Our one friend took it home and that evening he had a fight with his sister and she was the one that got sent to her room. That stone might be worth a fortune in neat stuff. So we lent it out for a model plane to one classmate who was in big trouble over some missing change from his brother's piggy bank. But it didn't work. He came next day with a black eye and wanted his plane back. The little stone still worked for us and anyone else we let use it for free, but after several more attempts, we found charging for it's use made it useless.

As we got older we kept our little stone with us and it proved valuable many times. It was no good for making money, whether from renting it out or getting lucky with a bet. But for everyday, practical problems it always came through. Even to this day, things like wanting some hankypanky with the good wife, we just slip that stone in her pocket and soon she's poking an pinching us to no end.

We read up on charms and charmers many years ago. In Europe, people called 'charmers' might use an object which had special properties for healing purposes. This came out of practices predating the christian era. They did not charge for their services and often would not even accept a verbal thanks. They were merely custodians of a gift, not masters of dubious magical forces and spells. Consequently, people did not incriminate charmers as they did many premodern medical healers, because there was little to accuse them of as they imposed no charges and they did not provide often faulty diagnoses of ailments.

So I, as a persona of what we call 'us', have the unique responsibility as keeper of our charm.  This is a rather huge undertaking in light of everyone’s lack of concern over it's preservation. If they consider me manic I honour this title.

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